Thursday, July 19, 2012


I've been pretty bummed about this plateau. For three or four weeks I have seen no change at all in my weight or measurements, to the point where I am now obsessing, which I fear will lead to dropping out of the program.

I do have to say, all things considered I am quite happy with the diet itself - I have more energy, sleep better, and for the first time since I remember I am consuming no sugar. I never thought that would be possible.

Right now, all the adjusting, stop eating this and that (i.e. beans, which are supposed to be ok) has me a little discouraged. I am giving myself 10 weeks - this is week 9 - so we'll see. If nothing major changes, I might go back to the tried and true (for me) method of counting calories.

Which brings me to another point. I used SparkPeople before, and liked it, mostly for the food tracking aspect of it. It's quite illuminating. Well, today, for the first time, I went and loaded the recipes I'm eating this week, and notice that I am going at an incredible caloric deficiency - 1,200 calories a day for a person like me is just not right. At the same time, I don't think I can eat any more than I'm currently eating. Well ... ok, I could eat more, just don't feel like it. Not sure where to add calories, or if it's even necessary.

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