Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week 9 - UP

Hm. Well, week 9 has been interesting. Twice I broke the diet at dinner, Wednesday (had a small slice of banana bread) and last night (big party, had a small piece of pie and flan.) Otherwise, observed the diet to a T. The result: 2 lb gain. The only other change from the week prior was the return to spinach/bean/tomato omelette at breakfast.

Right now there is too much going on for me right now to worry about it.

I'll adjust breakfast back to eggs and meat, and see what happens.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Week 8 - Finally

Finally, after 2 weeks of a complete stop, I followed the advice from the 4-hour People Forum and saw some changes this week. I took out beans from breakfast and second lunch (now calling it snack) and that seems to have kicked things into motion. I was a big hungrier, realized I was going on 1,200-1,400 calories a day, so added 2 TBSP of organic peanut butter before bed.

Good things that came out of this plateau: I stuck to it, even though I didn't want to, and I also gave up sugar in my coffee. I still put cream, after searching found Smith Brother's Farms to be the only one that does not add anything to it.

Work-out wise, I've hurt my back somehow so took it easy this week. The pain is still there, hoping to see my acupuncturist this week.

On to the numbers:
Weight: 206
Waist: 41!!!
Hips: 38 1/2
Chest: 44 1/4"

  • Left 14 1/4
  • Right: 14
  • Left: 22 1/2"
  • Right: 22 3/8"

Now to enjoy cheat day.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I've been pretty bummed about this plateau. For three or four weeks I have seen no change at all in my weight or measurements, to the point where I am now obsessing, which I fear will lead to dropping out of the program.

I do have to say, all things considered I am quite happy with the diet itself - I have more energy, sleep better, and for the first time since I remember I am consuming no sugar. I never thought that would be possible.

Right now, all the adjusting, stop eating this and that (i.e. beans, which are supposed to be ok) has me a little discouraged. I am giving myself 10 weeks - this is week 9 - so we'll see. If nothing major changes, I might go back to the tried and true (for me) method of counting calories.

Which brings me to another point. I used SparkPeople before, and liked it, mostly for the food tracking aspect of it. It's quite illuminating. Well, today, for the first time, I went and loaded the recipes I'm eating this week, and notice that I am going at an incredible caloric deficiency - 1,200 calories a day for a person like me is just not right. At the same time, I don't think I can eat any more than I'm currently eating. Well ... ok, I could eat more, just don't feel like it. Not sure where to add calories, or if it's even necessary.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Week 7 - the grand plateau

The plateau continues. No change whatsoever. Same weight, same measurements.

Things I changed this week:

  • as of Wednesday, took out the *one* cheat I was allowing myself, which was sugar in my morning coffee
  • stopped drinking wine during the week

The one thing I will do this week is increase protein in breakfast. I have a feeling I haven't been getting the 30g suggested. Let's see if that changes something.

Discouraged, but will carry on. The truth is that I do feel better, and even if the measurements aren't changing, clothes fit me better, so go figure.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Talk about a plateau. No change in *anything.* I even raised the weight I am using on the swings and got in a bike ride this week. Giving it two more weeks. Will come up with a game plan today for this week.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Monday Tuesday

Monday morning weight: 210 lbs.

Monday Meals
Breakfast 8:00 am
2 whole eggs, 1 egg white, spinach, 1/2 tomato, 1/3 can black beans

Lunch 12:30 pm
Chicken stir-fry at a Japanese restaurant. I'm guessing the sauce wasn't 100% within diet. Oh well.

Workout 4:45 pm
Swings: 3 x 25 sets at 30 lbs. (up 5)
2 x 10 sets of arches and balance between swing sets

Second lunch 5:30 pm
Kidney bean/tuna salad with tomato, celery, and avocado

Dinner 10:30 pm
Plan foiled. After rehearsal stopped to meet friends, nothing really on the menu I could eat other than meat and cheese platter. Passed on the bread, did eat some mozzarella and cheddar. Also nuts and pickled peppers.

Tuesday morning weight: 210 lbs.

Gonna revert a bit, and also bring all my meals. The only two things happening differently last week and this week thus far as opposed to the previous weeks when I was losing weight: eating breakfast right after I woke up, and went back to sugar in my coffee instead of Agave nectar. SO I will do what I was doing before: eating when I get to work (about 1.5 hours after I wake up) and going back to Agave in my coffee. (yeah, I know, I know ... I still need sweetened coffee in the morning.)

Breakfast 9:20 am
2 whole eggs, 1 egg white, spinach, 1/2 tomato, 1/3 can black beans

Lunch 1:00 pm
Chicken in lemon/ginger sauce, mixed veggies, 1/2 can of red beans

Second lunch 5:00 pm
Kidney bean/tuna salad with tomato, celery, and avocado

Dinner 8:30 pm
Burrito salad: pork, black beans, salsa, and guacamole over lettuce

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 6. Keeping an Eye.

I am curious to see the weight fluctuations during the week - is the day after a workout the best day to weigh, etc.? SO this week I will keep an daily journal of everything consumed, and will weigh daily. Who knows what I'll discover. Sunday - day after cheat day Weight at waking up: 210 (no change) Breakfast: 2 1/2 eggs (1 1/2 yolks), tomato, onion, mushrooms, black beans, spinach, 3 strips bacon, 1 TBSP cheese (Sunday transition cheat) + coffee, 2 tsp cream, 3 sugars Lunch: coho salmon filet, wilted chard, asparagus *poor planning left me getting out of rehearsal at 9:00 pm, 5 hours after lunch and 45 minutes from home on a Sunday night* Snack: 2 chipotle chicken wraps at McDonalds. I know, I know. Hunger and practicality won out this time. Figured the caloric deficiency would balance it all out. Pre-bed: 1/2 chicken breast, 2 glasses Malbec Let's see how tomorrow goes.