Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday dinner

Salmon, veggie stir-fry and 3-bean salad.

FJ - Wednesday

As I begin to figure out what to do, I am understanding this blog will serve several purposes:
  1. Food Journal. Keeping daily track of the foods I eat, occasional photos, and commentary. Title will start with FJ
  2. Progress Tracker. Weekly I will post the results of measurements and weight. Title will start with PT
  3. General Thoughts. Comments, opinions, questions, ramblings (and I can ramble.) These will not have a prefix in the title.

So, here goes Food Journal for Wednesday, a lot late. Added a couple of tablespoonfuls of cottage cheese to breakfast. HUGE difference. Cottage cheese is now a staple in my fridge. Lunch and second lunch were the usual pre-made chili and stir fry. I had the stir fry first, thinking it would hold me over better. It did not. I was still quite hungry a mere three hours after lunch. Dinner was not quite foiled, alas my partner made a delicious and thoughtful dinner of chicken, spinach salad, and lentils. The only issue was that the chicken was marinated in part orange juice. I wasn't about to pass on dinner, so a little foil I guess. It was a celebratory night as I was offered a great gig and also my partner's last night home before going away for a week, so Prosecco took the place of the red wine. Not on top of the list, I know, but it is ok.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 2. Ooops or argh!

I'd love to say that day 2 went perfectly. It mostly did. Woke up late and had to rush to get the omelette done, so I don't think it was as substantial as it needed to be. Second lunch contains corn, which it will for the rest of the week since it's already made. Dinner included peas - my partner thought they were an approved food. I think they're not because of sugar content. I've also been *very* hungry today. Will need to figure out where I can add more substance to the food I eat, I don't think I can eat any more volume in one sitting.

Today's Meals
Breakfast: eggs, tomato, zucchini, asparagus, onion plus the one cheat: coffee + silk + 2 tsp sugar
Lunch: Chicken chili (chicken, white beans, spices) Second lunch: Mexican stir-fry Dinner: peas, lentils, steak Ending the day with a couple of glasses of wine

Also started doing exercises in the morning, following through the kettle-bell swings without the actual kettle bell. That will have to wait until next week.

Monday recap

A day late ...

Breakfast was massive omelette with spinach, asparagus, onion, bell pepper, tomatoes, bacon, and salsa. I didn't realize how much I was going to miss the cheese, though. I have been putting less and less cheese on my food, but damn. No cheese was definitely noticeable. I also attempted to drink black, sugar-less coffee. Yeah, that's not going to happen. I figure I'm ok giving up some fast weight loss in order to have a drinkable cup of coffee in the morning.

So my compromise: 1 cup of coffee with a dash of soy milk and two tsp of sugar *after* breakfast. (I used to drink triple latte with three sugars followed by at least two cups of coffee with milk and sugar.)

Lunch was Cincinnati chili over pinto beans.

Then we went to meet friends out, could not bring myself to drink red wine so had a couple of vodka martinis. I figured it's better than having screwdrivers, which would include OJ. Spaced them out with club soda with bitters and plain water. Second lunch was a chicken fajita salad without cheese nor sour cream, instead added guacamole.

Dinner was more Cinci chili over beans. It was late. I was not too hungry.

During the day went to the store and bought food to prepare lunches and second lunches for the week.

This week's menu:
Lunch: White Chicken Chili, which includes white beans and spinach
Second lunch: Mexican stir-fry, which includes beef, asparagus, tomatoes, salsa, zucchini, onion, bell pepper, and 1 cup of kernel corn (which will amount to 1/4 cup per day). At first I read that whole corn in moderation was ok, alas later I read it wasn't. Will be omitted next time.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 1. Sort of.

I am determined to follow this through. Mostly. There are things that are easier to give up than others. Whilst I am ready to adhere to the regimen, there is one issue at play: I like coffee. I have been drinking coffee all my life, since childhood. As a child, I wanted to drink coffee like the grown-ups, and I never had a taste for milk alone. So mom would let me drink coffee with *lots* of milk. And sugar. So yeah, coffee with milk and sugar has been part of my daily routine since I was about three years old. I have tried drinking black coffee, replacing coffee with tea, giving up coffee ... alas, I keep on coming back to it. A few weeks ago I switched to Vanilla Soy milk, and it's been fine. It's just that for now, coffee with vanilla soy milk and sugar will remain as part of my morning ritual. Today was the *soft* start of the diet. It is a holiday weekend, and plans had already been made about tonight's dinner. Skipped the usual bread at breakfast, but we are having risotto with dinner. I also made myself a banana/orange/strawberry smoothie. It'll be a week until I can have one again. Already made the food plan for the week, shopping after dinner.


I am about to reach that point I said I would not reach again. About 12 years ago I hit 240 pounds, and after meeting with nutritionist and working out with a personal trainer, I got my weight back in control and down to 170, and eventually figured my ideal weight is more like 180. I managed to keep that up for a while. Alas, about 5 years ago I tore an MCL in the winter, and later that spring I found out I had a compression fracture in my back, which acted up after I did strenuous exercise. In the meantime, I also quit smoking.

So little by little I've seen the weight inch up. Pound by pound. I've tried over and again to get it under control, not being quite successful each time. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I realized one thing: for the first time in five years I felt like a non-smoker. See, since I quit smoking I have wanted a cigarette almost daily. I could see myself smoking again. Yet I had that moment, when I could not see myself smoking again. It's just not me anymore. And that's when I realized - I have been focusing my energy and will-power on not smoking. Which is great. Now that *that* is taken care of, well, it's time to focus again on my weight and overall health and well-being.

A good friend mentioned The 4-Hour Body. Being that he's about my age and in fantastic shape I figured something's working for him, so I'll give it a try. I am reluctant - the methods and approach are different - but then again, in a strange way it all makes sense.
One of the things to do: keep track of everything. So yeah, you will have the dubious honor of seeing my body shots and progress as I take on this journey.

Looking at the photos blows my mind that I have reached this point. It's beyond vanity, I feel unhealthy, don't look the way I want. If I was ready before, seeing these photos has solidified my resolve this time around.

Starting weight: 225lbs Measurements:
Upper Arms (mid-bicep)
Right: 14"
Left:14 1/8"

Waist (at navel): 44"

Hips: 40 3/8"

Legs: (mid-thigh)
Right: 21 3/4"
Left: 21 1/2"

Total inches: 155 3/4"

Body fat: estimate over 30% based on photos
