Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday recap

A day late ...

Breakfast was massive omelette with spinach, asparagus, onion, bell pepper, tomatoes, bacon, and salsa. I didn't realize how much I was going to miss the cheese, though. I have been putting less and less cheese on my food, but damn. No cheese was definitely noticeable. I also attempted to drink black, sugar-less coffee. Yeah, that's not going to happen. I figure I'm ok giving up some fast weight loss in order to have a drinkable cup of coffee in the morning.

So my compromise: 1 cup of coffee with a dash of soy milk and two tsp of sugar *after* breakfast. (I used to drink triple latte with three sugars followed by at least two cups of coffee with milk and sugar.)

Lunch was Cincinnati chili over pinto beans.

Then we went to meet friends out, could not bring myself to drink red wine so had a couple of vodka martinis. I figured it's better than having screwdrivers, which would include OJ. Spaced them out with club soda with bitters and plain water. Second lunch was a chicken fajita salad without cheese nor sour cream, instead added guacamole.

Dinner was more Cinci chili over beans. It was late. I was not too hungry.

During the day went to the store and bought food to prepare lunches and second lunches for the week.

This week's menu:
Lunch: White Chicken Chili, which includes white beans and spinach
Second lunch: Mexican stir-fry, which includes beef, asparagus, tomatoes, salsa, zucchini, onion, bell pepper, and 1 cup of kernel corn (which will amount to 1/4 cup per day). At first I read that whole corn in moderation was ok, alas later I read it wasn't. Will be omitted next time.

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